Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Literacy Is Important - 986 Words

1. In your own words, describe your understanding of â€Å"literacy†. Growing up I learned such sayings as, â€Å"when two vowels go a walking, the first one does the talking, † and â€Å"the rule breakers† such as shoe and said. No wonder ELL students have such a hard time learning English. They not only must learn the rules, but also the exceptions to the rules. Literacy is more than simply memorizing rules and words. Literacy is more than just the ability to listen, read, and communicate. It is the ability to express ideas and communicating those ideas with an audience. It is the ability to put skills acquired to pen a paper to communicate with others. Literacy is complicated, as a person could be literate in math, but not in English. A person could be able to communicate their ideas in writing to others and be understood, however if they are lacking the dense vocabulary, they may not be literate in English. 2. Describe the particular characteristics and needs of ELLs who are developing literacy in English. The development of English literacy seems daunting at first, even to those of us who’s first language is English. There are many different sounds that ELL students must discriminate even before they can learn words or phrases (Levine, 2103 p. 174). However language development begins at birth, and students have used it to for communicative relationships. Building upon their current knowledge can help student transfer their knowledge of their native language to that ofShow MoreRelatedThe Influence of Books on the Past and Present Literacy850 Words   |  3 Pagesand present states of literacy. Past literacy based on religious books shows the origin of the biblical practices of exorcism and the culture of Protestantism in England. It describes the superstitions surrounding the early forms of education and the difficulty they bring as regards the understanding of religious books. The article shows that the understanding of the bible influenced the present state of literacy by introducing prudence and enlightenment. The article is important in the research asRead MoreImproving A Sound Literacy Curriculum861 Words   |  4 Pagesand comprehensive literacy program that was also rigorous. However, I realized that having a sound literacy curriculum could be jeopardized by the delivery of instruction (Bean, 2011). Therefore, I have decided to further research the International Literacy Association’s, Reading Specialists/Literacy Coach 2010 Standard 2: Curriculum and Instruction; to gain further understanding of how and what curriculum should be taught as well as how this standard is important for literacy coaches. 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AlsoRead MoreLiteracy As A 21st Century Educator1604 Words   |  7 PagesWhen one hears the term literacy, the first thought that comes to mind is reading. However, literacy is so much more. It is in everything we do, from reading a book to getting from one location to another. We often do not realize how much literacy is in every aspect of our daily lives. As a math teacher, I chose to explore this concept as it relates to mathematics. I wanted to gain a general understanding of how literacy is intertwined in mathematics, from vocabulary to word problems. As a 21st centuryRead MoreFrederick Douglass : A New World Of Knowledge1158 Words   |  5 Pagesthemselves into who we want to be. Meaning we are all born with different appearances which enable people of color to â€Å"succeed.† For that reason, literacy is an important factor of education and liberation, although the color of his skin defined the person who he was supposed to become he did not make that as an excuse of liberating. 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These are integral literacy skills that students will build their whole lives. The question is, how do we properly teach these necessary skills to our students? As a teacher, we must understand all the learning theories to better address the literacy development of our students. Students need to have interesting, engaging, proper-leveled books to learn how to read. Writing made fun by teaching lessons such as writer’s workshopsRead More Improving The Literacy Of America Essay1573 Words   |  7 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Reading and writing are two of the most important functions performed on a daily basis by individuals. One problem in America is that a significant amount of the population cannot perform one or both of these tasks. These two tasks are commonly referred to as literacy. What encompasses a literate individual is a controversial topic. For example, if someone can read a sentence and decipher what it means does this mean the person is literate. Or should the individual be able to interpret a sentence

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